of Kyle Glackin (aka Kickin’ It Studios)

I’m a professional level designer as well as a solo-developer and VR enthusiast. I have a background in AR/VR, technology, product marketing, and advertising.

I started learning game development and 3D modeling in 2020 using Unreal Engine 4 and Blender. Since then I’ve created and released my first VR game, Dungeon Thrall, without knowing how to code (thank you Blueprints).

Since mid-2022, I’ve been employed as a level designer at Hardsuit Labs working on a popular game you’ve definitely heard of.

Below are some of my favorite examples of my work that show off a range of my skills.

Want to connect? Get in touch at


A 3rd person VR game where you take control of an adventurer like a puppet to fight monsters and try to escape the dark…

DUNGEON THRALL combines the best of VR & 3rd person games to create a uniquely immersive & fast paced action game.

I developed the entire game (mechanics, game logic, UI, etc.) from scratch in Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprints, as well as the 3D assets and animations using Blender3D. The is currently available in early access on SideQuestVR!

Learn more and sign-up here:


Check out the most recent episode of my devlog to understand my thought process and learn about the most recent features I’ve added to my VR game.

Or read the DUNGEON THRALL Game Design Document I wrote myself (it was out of date before it was even finished):

Other Projects!

Python Racing

Probably my earliest video game. I created a local multiplayer racing game using Python that worked with XBox controllers.

I also created an AI system with a genetic algorithm that improved over time to play against in single player mode.

I wrote about this project in a blog post you can find here:

Game Jams

I’ve worked as part of a team on 5 different game jams (including the Game Maker's Toolkit and Brackey’s) that have successfully released a game by the competition deadline. 

I provided art assets for all of these games, as well as helped with game design, and did all the level design on Multi-Tool (though the UI is slightly broken).

Up a Creek:


Soul Blade:

Run Boardgame

I designed, prototyped, playtested and iterated on multiple versions of a board game where players race to escape a haunted house.

Players must open doors to make progress, revealing obstacles and monsters for them to overcome or flee from.

Run is designed to be easy to learn but fun to play time & time again with lots of variability for 1-6 players.

You can see a trailer / how to play video here:

Red7 Redesign & Expansion

I redesigned one of my favorite card games to improve legibility and introduce a new “0” rule to expand replay value.

Cards can now be read from any direction, layouts are focused on key information, and colors are more distinct than the original.

My family has played this game so many times and wanted a new experience, so I added a rule and card color to the game.

Gray cards all have a value of 0 and make whoever has the “fewest cards” the winner, creating an intentionally “weak” strategy.